5 Basic Steps – Document Management from Start to Finish

The electronic document management process is a system where information is created, organized, and stored for future use. At the fundamental level, all document management systems have the same basic steps. 1. Generate All electronic document management processes start with information. Recorded information typically exists in two forms: physical and digital. Humans or digital applications generate information in a vast

Key Digital Transformation Concepts for SMBs

Making a digital transformation results in a business being more aligned with customer demands and resilient in the fast-moving digital future. It doesn’t matter whether the company sells software or stones: Digital transformation is for everyone. IDC forecasts worldwide spending on technologies and services that enable digital transformation will reach $1.97 trillion in 2022. Source: (IDC) Worldwide Semiannual Digital Transformation

Managing Documents vs. Records

2024-05-22T19:03:42+00:00Document Management, White Papers|

What is the Difference Between a Document and a Record? The simplest definition for a document and a record: Document = DO Record = DONE A document is any piece of information, in any form, that is produced or received by an individual or an organization. Common document formats include: hardcopy/paper and electronic files. The term document encompasses paper, electronic

3 AP Headaches that Are Completely Avoidable in the Digital Age

2023-12-15T19:36:13+00:00Document Management, White Papers|

Written by Chris Brown, PSIGEN. It’s 2023. AP automation technology is over 15 years old. Are you still processing invoices manually? If you are suffering from any of the three accounting headaches below, you have the opportunity to recoup thousands of hours of productivity in your accounting department. 1. Data Entry Whether from printed invoices you receive in the mail

Bulk Scanning – Outsourced or Internal?

Bulk Scanning - Outsourced or Internal & Finding the Right Partner and Scanner Most organizations can scan paper documents. Scanners are available in all shapes and sizes and when used with a document management system, the benefits are enormous. It’s common to go “paperless” on a day forward basis. Day forward paperless occurs when a date is set to manage

Choosing the Best Scanner for your Office

2023-08-18T14:41:09+00:00Scanning/Capture, White Papers|

Learn to choose the best office scanner - evaluate scanning needs, select the right scanner type, and consider features like OCR to make the right choice. Not all scanners are equal. Each scanner is for a specific need, so what may be best in class for one situation could be a lagging runner-up in another. Recognizing this, considering your needs,

Conquering the Document Retention Challenge

Managing Document Retention in Professional Services After a rewarding 35-year career as a psychotherapist specializing in individual, marriage and family therapy, Mark Hillman, Ph.D. decided to close his private practice. Today, Dr. Hillman remains energetic and continues his successful personal and executive coaching, corporate training, and organizational development consultancy. The Challenge Even though the psychotherapy practice was no longer active,

It’s Time to Stop Thinking about Paperless and Start Going Paperless

Organizations in every sector are winning big by streamlining how documents and data are managed. Automating labor-intensive tasks, and better meeting industry compliance and security requirements can take an average business and move it to the top. Chances are your business is like most others when it comes to benefiting from going paperless. Does your business experience any of these

Microfilm Preservation Strategies

2022-12-01T16:19:56+00:00Scanning/Capture, White Papers|

Acetate Microfilm Preservation Strategies Deteriorating microfilm is turning into a big problem for many local governments, state agencies and businesses. Since acetate was the most common film base from the mid-1920s into the early 1980s, if your organization holds microfilm produced during this time it is almost certainly acetate based. Poor environmental storage conditions, combined with acetate’s intrinsic susceptibility to