Why shared drive solutions evolve from paperless to punishment

2020-08-26T15:46:25+00:00Document Management, White Papers|

Going paperless is not new. Most business are already at some level of paperless. Typical paperless environments start by retaining files in their original electronic format (e.g. Word, Excel, and PDF) and/or scanning paper documents into image or pdf files. These files are saved to a hard drive in a Windows directory. Technically this is “paperless” and may even work

Does Napping Improve Remote Worker Performance?

2020-08-06T17:27:39+00:00White Papers, COVID-19|

COVID-19 is putting a new lens on the way we do business. The first noticeable change from COVID-19, in the business world, is the explosion in the number of remote workers. While not an option for all businesses, many first timers incorporating working remotely are surprised by the positive results. In some cases, the ability to work remotely “saved” the

Driving Remote Worker Workflows with Captured Data

COVID-19 forced many businesses to extend operations to the home office. While some businesses were well prepared and made the change quickly, others scrambled to support remote workers. With remote workers in place, a chief complaint about working remotely is its disruption to the flow of information across the organization. While in the office, workers can easily exchange and share

Top 4 Paper Vs. Paperless Misconceptions

Let’s look at the top 4 reasons why many organizations avoid going paperless and how this practice impacts efficiency and hits the bottom line. It’s The Status Quo To most workers, paper stacks of invoices, bills, legal documents, memos and other documents are normal aspects of daily business. The system works, so why change? In truth,

Finding the Elusive Balance

2020-06-04T15:46:46+00:00White Papers, COVID-19|

  How does the business impact of COVID-19 compare to the 2008 recession? Both caused a deep slowdown in business and put extreme pressure on companies trying to stay in business. There are many lessons learned from the 2008 Recession that apply to minimizing today’s COVID-19 business challenge. Most financial analysis agree the US economy will recover, but not all

When the Dust Settles – 5 Steps to Better Risk Management

2020-05-29T15:44:55+00:00eBizNews, White Papers, COVID-19|

The world is experiencing one of its biggest crises in history. The coronavirus is raising global havoc. Markets are plummeting, store shelves are bare, and fear of the unknown is rampant. Business as usual is impossible. Despite these challenges, most believe it will pass. There is a glimmer of hope and business leaders must find a way to pull themselves

COVID-19 and the Importance of the Digital Workplace

2020-05-29T15:50:05+00:00eBizNews, White Papers, COVID-19|

Curated by James True – eBizDocs By: Jesse Wilkins on March 31st, 2020 AIIM BLOG COVID-19 and the Importance of the Digital Workplace It seems like everyone is talking about coronavirus: what it means to the global and local economies, how it impacts different industries, even how to make your own hand sanitizer to combat it. One of the key approaches

Panasonic PremierCOMPRESSION

2020-02-28T19:08:02+00:00Scanning/Capture, White Papers|

Panasonic PremierCOMPRESSION Benefits: - Generate easily searchable PDF files with highly accurate OCR  - Create instant access to your information with high-speed OCR  - E-mail, transmit, download & upload compressed documents quickly & easily  - View files instantly with PDF streaming web optimization  - Preserve information quality even after extreme file compression Panasonic PremierCOMPRESSION can make your documents fully searchable

Guide to Home Office Efficiency

2020-05-29T15:48:07+00:00Scanning/Capture, White Papers, COVID-19|

Curated by eBizDocs By Kara Rayburn, Global Manager, Portfolio Marketing & Web Boost your efficiency by including these key elements in your home office. Remote work used to be a privilege reserved for certain roles within certain industries, but nowadays, it’s becoming much more common: About 50% of the U.S. population works from home at least part of the time. While various factors

IDC WHITE PAPER – The Migration from Paper to Digital

2020-02-06T18:49:37+00:00eBizNews, White Papers|

The Migration from Paper to Digital: Why Digitization Remains Elusive REALIZING THE PROMISE OF THE PAPERLESS OFFICE All organizations are in a race to digitize their office environments, but not everyone is traveling at the same speed. Digital transformation (DX) continues to be a priority for many organizations, with some transitioning to a paperless office more quickly than others due