The EPA reports the average United States office worker goes through 10,000 sheets of paper per year. We report this is a problem.

We understand it can be hard to wrap your head around 10,000 sheets of paper, per person. That number is big and quickly multiplies in larger and growing business. Suffice it to say… It’s wasteful – for environmental and business reasons. Business workers weaned off postage in favor of email. After peaking in the 80’s, newspaper subscriptions are at record lows as information is found online. We are comfortable consuming information from screens, but the office remains the largest consumer of paper. While the 100% paperless office is still a dream, implementing a paperless process provides several benefits that boost the bottom line.

eBizDocs helps clients across dozens of industries in the public and private sectors. It’s nearly impossible to create cookie-cutter reasons or steps to going paperless, so we put together a countdown of first-and-foremost reasons that any organization needs to put “going paperless” on the radar:


Natural disaster is an ever-present threat, no matter your type of business. Paper documents don’t stand a chance against a fire or a flood, which is why they should always be digital and safely backed up at an off-site location – both of which are crucial elements in any effective document management strategy.


Did you know an average-sized file room usually only takes up a few GB of data? In other words, you can clear out an entire room in your facility or cut the entire cost of the off-site facility you’re renting for storage.


Most employees working in an office with a traditional process spend about 40 hours per year looking for documents. Yes – an entire work week. With a paperless system, a few keystrokes can replace 15 minutes of digging through dusty, cluttered cabinets.


The money businesses save by implementing a document management system is often all the reason our clients need to make the change. While some operations record a ROI of 6X or more in the first 2 years, most businesses report a full return on investment within 12 to 18 months.

Are you searching for a way out of your paper maze? Contact us and a member of our team can give you directions.