Bulk Scanning – Are You Still Kicking the Can?

By eBizDocs

Bulk Scanning – Are you still kicking the can, or are you ready to pull out the white flag?

Bulk scanning refers to converting large volumes of physical documents into digital documents. When converting large volumes of paper documents into a digital format, it’s usually best to use a professional document imaging facility. They have the production-grade scanning equipment and trained technicians who know how to process high volumes of documents rapidly and accurately in a short amount of time.

Most importantly, after scanning, essential information is extracted and converted it into searchable text via data capture software. This gives you a central database of all your business documents that is searchable so team members can retrieve any record they need in seconds. Otherwise, locating a specific record among thousands of scanned images is like searching for a polar bear in a snowstorm!

Many organizations try to avoid the inevitable need to digitize their documents.

Top reasons to act now.

Paper is an obsolete way of storing information. Paper processes are slow and inefficient. Physical documents are challenging to organize, prone to damage, can easily get misplaced, and require large amounts of physical storage space. There are many benefits to scanning your physical paper archives and storing them digitally:

Reduction in Costs

  • Storing physical records requires expensive office space, storage racks and filing cabinets. Digital storage does away with all these, resulting in huge savings. It also cuts down expenses associated with physical records management like buying paper, printer cartridges, photocopying and document mailing costs.

Enhanced data security

  • Accidental data loss, data breaches, and intentional theft of sensitive personal information from paper documents are issues organizations worry about when transitioning to digital records. Storing the digital files in a robust and secure document management system with access control, file encryption, and audit trails will ensure complete data safety.

Lowered error rates

  • Automated high-speed scanning eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures accurate and error-free data capture.

Data loss prevention

  • Digitization prevents data loss due to damage to legacy paper documents by mold, mildew, rodents, fading and natural disasters.

Higher productivity

  • Physically searching for essential paper documents is time-consuming. Time is money, digitally stored documents are easy to retrieve from anywhere, saving both time and money.

Better collaboration

  • Team members can also access documents simultaneously and share information from any remote location, making it easier to share data and collaborate.

One-time scanning or scan-on demand

eBizDocs offers two options to meet your needs. Scanning your documents can be a one-time project in which we scan all your archives in one continuous project. Or, we can scan on demand— eBizDocs will store your boxes of documents and only scan documents as they are requested. You gain space and eBizDocs applies the digital transformation when necessary.

Why hire a professional bulk scanning company

Are you considering handling paper document conversion in-house? While this may sound tempting, it’s usually not in your best interest.

Consider the following:

  • eBizDocs has state-of-the-art equipment that is expensive to procure.
  • Our team members are trained exclusively for this purpose to ensure accuracy and speed.
  • Your staff will appreciate not being burdened with scanning and being able to focus on making more strategic contributions.

Moving Forward

There has never been a better time to digitally transform your workflow with process automation. As organizations from all industries rethink their business models, staffing, and markets, process automation surfaces as a distinct performance advantage. Look for providers and partners with the right combination of expertise, capability and vision in order to make the most of your efforts.

Take the next step by starting a fact finding, no obligation, conversation with eBizDocs about your Process Automation goals and objectives.




About eBizDocs –eBizDocs is a premier digital transformation provider focused on helping you put INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Offerings include paper and microfilm conversion, content capture and document management solutions, scanner sales and service, and process consultation. eBizDocs is SOC2 Type II certified and serves private and public-sector organizations. The company has been in business for over 20 years and is a preferred source contractor for NYS entities. To learn how eBizDocs can help transform your operation, visit eBizDocs.com.