The paperless office means more than shifting to digital documents. It also means managing them in a way that ensures confidentiality, enforces consistency, and overall… promotes productivity.

Simply storing documents on a shared network drive is a sure way to invite chaos. Implementing Document Management Software (DMS) is the logical approach and forms the best foundation to build a paperless office. The benefits are staggering and well within reach to any organization. There are three main areas a Document Management Solution can bring order to your digital chaos.

1. Simplifies retrieval of documents and other important information

Applying consistent naming conventions and automatically tagging filed documents with searchable metadata results in employees quickly finding what they need, from anywhere and at any time. Mimicking the physical filing structure of Cabinets, Folders, and Tabs within the folder keeps the paperless environment in familiar territory and minimizes opposition to change.

2. Tightens security at the individual, departmental and organizational levels

Adding security classifications and encryption ensures only employees with access privileges can view confidential records or documents that are specific to their business role/function. Given today’s stringent regulations and compliance demands, having a well applied DMS in place is essential before the next audit or threat to privacy.

3.  Enhances collaboration and accelerates the flow of information for improved efficiency

Document Management Software makes it possible to automate document sharing/workflow with built in triggers, view multiple versions of documents, access documents on-the-go through mobile apps. With your paperless office, you can review, approve, and schedule tasks for on-time performance.

Click here to learn more and bring Order to your Chaos.