Document Management offers Security, Workflow, and Savings

Documents, whether electronic or paper, are one of the most important components in an organization. Managing business data can be a daunting task. A centralized document management system that gathers, stores, and retrieves documents, can deliver multiple key benefits.

The primary key to enhancing productivity and efficiency in a business lies in finding ways to provide centralized document access to all your employees. The more readily available client and business data are for key stakeholders, the smoother the process for all involved. A major disadvantage of physical paper is it seems impossible to track down information in a timely fashion. It might be on an employee’s desk, misfiled, or simply lost among the stacks of paper. But with a centralized document system, everyone goes to one place to find the information they need. In simple terms, a centralized document management system enables enhanced efficiency without slip-through-the-crack mistakes.

A Centralized document repository cuts costs by uniting various concepts, technologies, and strategies to eliminate tedious and time-consuming operations that do not drive revenue. Generally, centralized document management automates previously manual duties like managing financial compliance records.

3 Key Benefits Centralized Document Management System Offer to a Business

  1. Enhanced data security

One data breach can cost an organization millions. Still, several businesses leave data exposed to theft or tampering. For instance, storing sensitive data in unsecured folders open to the entire network, keeping files on a less secured device that are open to hacking, or even simply leaving documents unattended.

A centralized document repository system offers strict access control to protect against unauthorized access to data.

This means users can only access and update documents they have permission to work on. A centralized document management system can also provide version control, enabling older versions of the documents to be recovered in the event incorrect or unauthorized changes were made. Disaster recovery is also much easier, as all the documents are backed up to the system, assuring nothing important is lost.

  1. Simplified workflows

In most organizations, versioning problems occur frequently. A centralized document repository secures versioning mix-ups that can occur when various employees store the same file in multiple locations, by allowing them to collaboratively work on the same document simultaneously. This assures everyone is working on the most updated file.

Moreover, a centralized document repository can help you in automating workflows based on predefined rules or manual routing. This increases the document processing and is immediately directed to the next employee in the chain.

  1. Significant cost-savings

Beyond being environment friendly, shifting toward becoming a paperless organization directly affects the bottom line. Consider all the room needed to store physical papers. Filling cabinets take up significant office space, and this operational cost increases yearly as documents pile up. In an AIIM survey, respondents predicted shifting to an electronic filing system will reduce the office space allocated to filling storage by 60%.

eBizDocs delivers a secure, user-friendly document management and business process automation suite based on the PSIsafe platform. The eBizDocs solution is configured to the way you run your business and gives you anytime-anywhere access to your information.

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About eBizDocs

eBizDocs is a premier digital transformation provider focused on helping you put INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Offerings include paper and microfilm conversion, content capture and document management solutions, scanner sales and service, and process consultation. eBizDocs is SOC2 Type II certified and serves private and public-sector organizations. The company has been in business for over 20 years and is a preferred source contractor for NYS entities. To learn how eBizDocs can help transform your operation, visit