January 2021 EDITION

Your Monthly Newsletter from eBizDocs

A message from Howard Gross, eBizDocs, CEO and President

As we move from 2020 into 2021, there is fresh optimism that the crazy events of 2020 will start to end.

Thank you – to all our customers, employees, and friends for staying associated with and believing in eBizDocs.

I am deeply grateful for your trust and I send you my warmest wishes.

2020 was a year full of fear, shock, and worry. Still, many people cultivated strength, determination, and resilience. They know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

What will 2021 bring is anyone’s guess. We have  new vaccines and treatments to help diminish the pandemic’s threat. Life will go on.

There is a great deal we cannot control about the future, but we can control a few things. As we usher in a new year with great expectations, what is most important?

Harnessing Our Dreams Amid Uncertainty

2020 deferred many dreams and business goals. Let’s move forward and recommit to them, even if they look a little different in our new world.

My desire to see you achieve your dreams and the eBizDocs team will work tirelessly on your behalf in 2021.

Take Control – Build Up Ourselves and Behaviors

With so much out of our control (the markets, the economy, pandemics, and other shocks), it is important to focus on ourselves, our hopes, our goals, and our dreams.

2021 is the opportunity to regain control over what we can.

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.”

― Steve Maraboli

Increasing Our Kindness and Patience

In a time of political polarization and increasing social divide, we must treat each other with kindness, patience, love, and respect.

eBizDocs’ guiding principles are to empower and provide an environment where enthusiastic team members can reach the peak of their ability and achieve strong personal and customer satisfaction.

“I like my job because eBizDocs accepts and values me! At eBizDocs, I am a valued member of the team,”

― Danielle Pollay

Please accept my gratitude and good wishes for the year ahead. May you and yours enjoy warmth, love, and success in 2021.

Warmest Wishes,



The 2nd Annual Best of Motivation Monday and
Wisdom Wednesday

Motivation Monday and Wisdom for your Wednesday are popular with our Facebook and LinkedIn fans. Here are the 2020 top picks.

To see more in 2021, simply like eBizDocs on Facebook or follow us on LinkedIn


Microfilm Preservation Strategies

Cellulose acetate film will naturally degrade over time

Deteriorating microfilm is turning into a big problem for many local governments, state agencies and businesses.

Since acetate was the most common film base from the mid-1920s into the early 1980s, if your organization holds microfilm produced during this time it is almost certainly acetate based.

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Case Study

Monroe County – Preserving a Rich Archival History

The Challenge 

Monroe County faced a challenge common to most counties across the country.

Much of the archived County Clerk’s Office’s historic records are on microfilm, and in many cases, these are the only known records.

From the late 1930s to the 1980s, microfilms used a cellulose acetate base. This base is prone to tears, vinegar syndrome, and redox blemishes.

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Humor for Your Funny Bone

Winter Frosties


Save 10% on your next Scanner*

For a limited time you can save 10% on your next scanner purchase from eBizDocs.

Whether you are looking for a new desktop, network, or high-speed production scanner, eBizDocs is always ready with the right solution at the right value.

And… for peace of mind, we also offer service contracts and consumables for both new and old makes and models.

*Offer valid for through 2/1/2021

Save 10%


Taylor Bateman
Microfilm Scanner

Our first employee spotlight for 2021 is on Taylor Bateman. Taylor brings his own distinctive style to the Microfilm scanning team and enjoys working on high profile opportunities such as the New York State Department of Health and other critical projects. In 2019, Taylor’s father made him aware of an opening at eBizDocs, so he took the initiative to apply for a job. Soon after, Taylor joined eBizDocs for a scanner position. He felt it was a good fit because he wanted to add more technological experience to his resume. eBizDocs is a new direction for Taylor. “My bachelor’s degree is in Japanese studies. I chose that major because I was fascinated with Japanese culture, but I never thought of what I could do with that degree,” said Taylor. “My working at eBizDocs taught me how a company’s products and services depend on each individual worker and the importance of the individual and the collective to a company. Between my original assignment as a scanner and my current assignment as a microfilm scanner, I feel I gained new skills that will offer me even more opportunity.”

When talking to Taylor you can hear his enthusiasm for the job. Taylor shared how he starts his day. “I usually arrive to work a little early. Before I log in, I hang out in the breakroom and look to see if there are dishes or items that need picking up. It is important for me to be helpful and I like finding any opportunity to help out.” Taylor thinks the BEST thing about eBizDocs are his co-workers and management. “Everyone is so friendly. You can ask a question and know management and your co-workers are there to help and that keeps us all focused on doing our best!!”

Taylor believes eBizDocs is unique because of its workforce diversity and management’s person-centered approach to getting the job done. “When Chris Ginart (eBizDocs, Director of Operations) provides training on new assignments or updates us on customer changes, he gives us the tools to do the job. eBizDocs management provides the parameters and then allows the team to come up with solutions. The whole team can move forward to complete the task for that customer with an excellent product outcome. I am proud to be part of that process.” Taylor goes on to describe what he finds valuable about working at eBizDocs. “I want to compliment management for keeping staff updated and informed… this keeps anxiety down throughout the office. Howard and the management team do a great job keeping everyone in the loop! One example of that is our color-coded bracelet system. Each color identifies the comfort level of each employee. Green means you are ok with masked face to face conversation. Yellow means no touching. And Red means you prefer to keep socially distant. This really helps the team members respect each person’s space during these challenging times…and I have never heard of this any place else.”

Taylor wrapped up what he learned about himself while at eBizDocs. “Besides increasing my typing skills and learning how to operate specialized auditing software. I know I have grown personally while at eBizDocs. I used to have a hard time initiating conversation. Now I know I need to seek people out if I want to talk to someone. That is a life lesson I can take from eBizDocs and use forever.

Thank you Taylor, for all you do.