Shalom Magidson
Data Entry Team Lead

eBizDocs is pleased to shine this month’s spotlight on Shalom Magidson. Shalom is a Data Entry Team Lead. Being a Team Lead requires a deep technical understanding of the project and strong management skills. Shalom meets customer expectations by keeping projects moving forward while insisting on delivering the highest-quality level. This requires solving problems and removing any roadblocks team members may experience. Throughout each project, Shalom identifies team member’s strengths and weaknesses, and then provides proper guidance and recognition. This allows each team member to modify their actions, increase productivity, and keep the project moving forward. Shalom understands the importance of sharing project goals as part of motivating team members to perform at their peak level. Shalom takes great pride in seeing team members grow and delivering complete customer satisfaction.

Shalom joined eBizDocs in the fall of 2016 after graduated from college with a degree in computer programming. eBizDocs was Shalom’s first opportunity to jump into the work world, build his resume, and build self-confidence that only comes through experience. Shalom admits he was a bit leery about a corporate work environment, but after interviewing he felt eBizDocs would help him grow and was the best place to begin a career.

According to Shalon, “My decision about joining eBizDocs was ‘spot on’, my favorite things about working here are Howard and the whole management team. Everyone is very flexible and willing to work with me. You hear so much about supervisors and management not caring about staff, their biggest investment. That is not the case at eBizDocs. Their strong support is instrumental to me staying motivated and growing as an employee. My favorite project is the NYS Department of Health, it is a very important project for the state, and I enjoy being part of the solution. Sure, there are headaches with any project, but I find it all interesting and stimulating. There are so many variables that need consistent focus. Many present a challenge to the team. I figure out where the team is having trouble and help them get back on track. It is important to me and for eBizDocs to make sure the team puts out a product that is the BEST WE CAN DELIVER!! That is always my focus.”

Since Joining eBizDocs, Shalom developed his skills for working and leading other people and gained an appreciation for what it means being active in the work force. He is genuinely grateful, “I thank Howard, Chris and Tobi for giving me the opportunity and supporting me as I grew into my position. I like to draw on my accomplishments and setbacks when leading others. I remind them, sometimes you just need to challenge yourself. You never know what barrier you might break.”

Thank you Shalom for the GREAT job you do.

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