May 2021 EDITION

Your Monthly Newsletter from eBizDocs

eBizDocs Ranks in the 25 Most Admired Companies

 eBizDocs’ guiding principles are to empower and provide an environment where enthusiastic team members can reach the peak of their ability and achieve strong personal and customer satisfaction.


Let’s start a fact finding, no obligation,
conversation about your goals and objectives.

Remember May 9th

Document of the Day

President Woodrow Wilson’s Signs
Mother’s Day Proclamation on May 9, 1914

National Archives

How to Handle Business Taxes Remotely


Digital Documents in the Age of Physical Distancing

Filing a state or federal return for your business taxes requires a large volume of supporting documents.

Learn More

We Care About Your Well Being

Get the Facts

Case Study

Alpin Haus – Managing Accounts Payable documents

The Challenge
Alpin Haus sells a lot of outdoor recreation items. With that comes paper, lots of it.
The accounts payable team struggled keeping up with filing the looming inbox of paper invoices from all the various Alpin Haus vendors.


Humor for Your Funny Bone



Get Five off Five

Save 5% on any 5 New PSIGEN Software Licenses*

Ready for something new, or needing to add more licenses to what you already have?

Buy any 5 PSIGEN software licenses and save 5% for the first year.

*Offer valid for through 7/1/2021

Get 5 on 5



Shalom Magidson
Data Entry Team Lead

eBizDocs is pleased to shine this month’s spotlight on Shalom Magidson. Shalom is a Data Entry Team Lead.
Being a Team Lead requires a deep technical understanding of the project and strong management skills.



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