Shannon Hildenbrandt
Document Preparation

Drum roll please… Introducing Shannon Hildenbrandt. Shannon started at eBizDocs in February 2021 with only part time work experience. When she worked for a large corporate 500 company, the schedule was always changing, and the hours were always cutting into her weekend. It was disappointing seeing her friends playing, while she worked.

Shannon just completed her two-year Business degree at the local community college and was really hoping to land a job where she could apply her book learning, in an office setting. Her placement counselor helped Shannon get a job with another document management company. But three days into the job, the opportunity ended due to the pandemic. Almost a year later, Shannon’s Placement Counselor talked with her about eBizDocs and felt she and eBizDocs would be a better match. Since eBizDocs was offering a full-time position related to her major, Shannon thought the Document Preparation position would be an excellent “fit”. Shannon was a bit nervous, but her interview went well, and she was assured eBizDocs would work with her to be successful.

Shannon shares, “I even got to meet the owner and president of the company, Howard Gross. Howard is CHILL! It was so clear to me Howard really cares about every employee. I IMMEDIATELY felt at ease!! There is so much I like about eBizDocs. First, I was able to ‘slide’ into working full time. They have a great training program and I received constructive feedback on both the quality and quantity of my work. This allowed me to make quick adjustments and improve my output. One of my favorite things I like about eBizDocs is how friendly my co-workers and management are. Everyone supports each other and we work in teams. After my initial training period, I got to pick my own schedule. Wead Jassim, the Production Floor manager, is SO sweet! She taught me how to do my job, and more importantly, she also spent time teaching me how important it is to challenge myself. Document preparation was not what I expected. It requires me to really pay attention to detail and put in the effort to increase the pace and accuracy of my work. I am so PROUD I’m able to finish up to four full boxes a day and contribute to the team’s output of 50 boxes a day! I really enjoy working on the New York State Education Department project. The project moves along quickly and the rules for working on State Education are easy and consistent…and I enjoy the work!”

The past six months has been a real-life learning experience for Shannon. She’s now a full-time employee, mastering new skills, and earned the trust to work with private/confidential files. Shannon has a GREAT sense of humor. When sharing how she starts her day she said, “I start my day by praying and I cry!! ONLY KIDDING!!! My morning starts by coming in and saying good morning to my supervisor. I put away my lunch box and swipe in. I work hard to make sure both the quality and quantity of my work are equal.” Shannon is part of a larger team that supports each other. She knows doing the BEST job she can, helps her fellow team members do their job better!! ALL for ONE and ONE for ALL! Although she LOVES working at eBizDocs, her dream is to get a job with New York State. Shannon understands it will take time to get a state job. In the meantime, working at eBizDocs helps her expand her experience and build strong references. Shannon knows whenever the new phase of her career finds her, she will be ready to go – and eBizDocs will be fully supportive and proud of her accomplishments.

Quick Takes About Shannon

  • Who inspires you: My Mother and my Father.
  • If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first? I would buy a nice house near a beach!! My dream!!!
  • People say you look like? My Dad.
  • If you had a superpower, what would it be? I would make myself TALL!!!! Today, I needed help to get the boxes off the pallet. I like being INDEPENDENT, and if I was taller I could do it myself!! That would be the BEST!

Thank you Shannon, for all you do.

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