Lynn Johanning
Data Entry & Audit

From 1982 to 2013 Lynn Johanning worked for the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C. in a job with international and diverse responsibilities. When she was laid off due to budget cuts, Lynn pulled her resources together and decided it was time to move to upstate New York to be near her family. After spending 3 years at a local company, she knew it was time to move on and try to find a better “fit” with a new employer. Lynn learned about eBizDocs by responding to an internet ad. She met Howard Gross (President, CEO) at a local job fair and was subsequently interviewed and hired.

Lynn started work at eBizDocs in February of 2020 only to have the pandemic rear its head in March 2020. After a lengthy furlough, Lynn was called back in November 2020, and eagerly returned to work. Some people are just “cracker-jacks”. They are punctual, team players and their skills shine on the computer. They can fly through batches and their quality and quantity of work is exceptional! That is Lynn. To date Lynn has worked on several NYS Department of Health jobs. Her favorite is NYSDOH Audit 2. The job is varied and fast moving.

She has found that working with both the data entry and auditing teams has been outstanding! Lynn shares: “I cannot thank the team leads enough for their expertise and patience: Shalom Magidson (Data Entry Team Lead), Shane Reichel (Auditing Team Lead) and Brandon Henry (Microfilm Team Lead). They each provide clear guidance and direction for each new task and clarify any areas of confusion.” Lynn goes on to share that some of the BEST things about eBizDocs are the dedication and focus of the various team members and the friendly and informal atmosphere. “Everyone is treated fairly. And in exchange everyone is a team player willing to help and support the others. This has been very important for my productivity.”

“I especially appreciate Howard for his kindness and proactive and generous actions with regard to employee interests. I cannot thank Chris Ginart (Director of Operations) enough for his invaluable training, assistance and support. Chris is always glad to see me, even if I have a million questions about a project. And I don’t want to forget Wead Jassim (Production Manager) and Tobi Bickweat (Productivity Manager) for their support and cheery daily supervision. All in all, it’s a GREAT place to work!”

Thank you Lynn, for all you do.

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