Hassan Maye-Coleman
Document & Microfilm Scanner

My First Impression of eBizDocs

I walked into eBizDocs feeling comfortable from the get-go. My mother was the link to eBizDocs. She is the lead business instructor at JobCorp (in Glenmont) and Wead Jassim (eBizDocs Production floor manager) was one of her students. My mother encouraged me to apply for a summer job…telling me eBizDocs was great place to learn new things. My mother’s long-term association with Wead made her aware of eBizDocs’ management style, and she knew I would be successful.

My initial job interview went smoothly. I received a tour and general overview of the company. Throughout my interview I felt comfortable, and I was fascinated with the work being done. All aspects of eBizDocs seemed connected and their focus is on teamwork. Teams support each other, with an emphasis on the quality of work. I thought this was particularly intriguing, as was the community of workers. During my initial tour, I met several workers, who smiled and greeted me back. I thought this warm welcome was a sign, and I was right! One of my favorite things about eBizDocs is the community and diversity of workers. Everyone says good morning and helps each other. I have met coworkers from all over the world including Iraq and Afghanistan.

Being Recognized

I was hired to do attended scanning. This job requires a single focus – “attention to detail”. Since I am tech savvy, I easily learned different scanning machines and was recognized for my efficient style and ability to learn fast. When asked if I would be interested in learning how to do microfiche scanning, I happily answered – yes. Scanning microfiche is so engaging! I work with two different computers and bounce back and forth between them. It is part of the process you need to establish converting film into a computer file. My job is very interesting and supports my education goals. I am going to school for Computer Information Systems, and I have learned a great deal at eBizDocs. As I sit and listen to my professors talk about computers, systems, clouds, file management, parts of the computer, input/output, etc., I think; this is exactly my job at eBizDocs. Working at eBizDocs gives me a strong context for what I am learning in college and appreciation for why people don’t want paper. I work on a variety of projects and one of my favorites is Concord Pools. The variety of architectural plans and all the paperwork that goes into a high-quality pool install is just fascinating!

One of the virtues of eBizDocs that remains important to me is the support management provides. As an example, when I informed Wead Jassim I was going back to school and ready to give notice, she suggested moving from full-time to part time. eBizDocs’ schedule flexibility is a tremendous benefit. Having income while in college is very important and minimizes financial stress, so I can focus on my degree and college demands.

Quick Takes About Hassan

  • Who inspires you?
    My mother inspires me…she is a very successful woman, never gives up and is ALWAYS willing to help people learn something new. I’m grateful she taught me to be the same way!! Love YOU MOM!!
  • If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
    I think I would buy a house … the house that I grew up in …I Love that abode…and want to own it!
  • People say you look like…
    People say I look like my mother.
  • If you had a superpower, what would it be?
    If I had a superpower I would like to have Telekinesis ability… Imagine to move things with your mind!! You can get the tv remote without getting up, you can make your bed and clean your room. I would be fastest scanner on earth!!!


I cannot thank my mother, Howard Gross, Wead and Tobi enough for their support and recognition of my abilities. Management checks in with me daily to make sure I am doing good. I’m learning from the best and will carry this same attitude forward throughout my career.

Thank you Hassan, for all you do.

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