The Rensselaer County Regional Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner {with a twist} & Business Expo is the Chamber’s premier event of the year. eBizDocs participated in the past with a vendor booth and was looking forward to the 2020 event.

However, COVID-19 had other plans and threw everyone a special kind of “Twist”. Having a face-to-face event was impossible and in an effort to foster the Expo’s non-stop networking, the Chamber decided to host a virtual event.  Throughout the month, members were invited to “stop by” and watch each of the virtual expo booth videos. To keep it interesting, cash was offered to encourage member participation!

eBizDocs was eager to create a unique and fitting booth video. After considering several ideas, the light bulb switched on when they recognized the similarities between NASA (after 9 years) relaunching into space from US soil, and businesses relaunching their operations. Both called for overcoming challenges and making drastic changes. The “We Have Lift Off” video highlights these challenges and how eBizDocs is helping businesses overcome them.

Congratulations to Bob and Doug for their safe return to earth on August 2, 2020. The 64-day historic mission was a huge win. And… Congratulations to all the businesses who are also returning for a huge win.

Enjoy the video.