Kate Wieczerza
Data Entry & Microfilm Scanner

Kate first heard about eBizDocs from Darlene Fittizzi-Tanski. Darlene provides employment and placement services to people with disabilities, who are interested in pursuing their vocational goals. Darlene describes eBizDocs as a very supportive environment that encourages and helps their workforce grow. That was exactly what Kate needed to hear and she set up an interview. Kate immediately recognized eBizDocs was different than other businesses. Kate felt comfortable during her interview and met several people. She noticed her future co-workers, greeted her in the most friendly and open manner. Kate also got to meet the owner and President, Howard Gross.

This environment was completely different than anything Kate experienced, and she was slightly overwhelmed. eBizDocs was clearly a disability friendly environment. The supervisors and managers understand the need for individualized support and value their workforce. Completing work is expected and you are held accountable, but there is also a stronger force at hand. Kate sees eBizDocs as a place that does not separate the labor from the person. eBizDocs strives to align abilities with tasks and immediately recognized Kate’s abilities. As a result, Kate accepted the opportunity to cross train from data entry to working with the more demanding microfiche and microfilm projects.

In her own words…

Do you ever feel like things are stacked against you? That is exactly what happened to me and how I felt at my last corporate job. It took me a long time to heal from that experience. I needed a lot of help and I needed time before re-entering the world of work. Resilience is not a trampoline, where you are up one minute and down the next. It is more like climbing a mountain without a map. It takes time and help from those around you, and you might experience setbacks but when you look back you see how FAR you have come. That is exactly how I feel about working at eBizDocs. My previous work experience was so damaging, I needed to work at a place that embraced diversity and valued its workforce.

My worries about job performance are always laid to rest and when I receive constructive criticism, I responded in kind. I can do multiple jobs and find my assignments rewarding and FUN! So far, my favorite assignment was working on an insurance company microfiche project. That project allowed me to get intimately involved in the details of the job. Whenever I have a question, the answer comes quickly, so I could keep the project moving forward. Everyone is very willing to assist.

My experience at eBizDocs reaffirms I have abilities and skills, and I am valued. I saw people bullied out of positions, at other companies, because they were different. That is NEVER the case at eBizDocs…diversity is embraced! Mental health is acknowledged as part of everyone’s life, and it’s not HAMMERED out of you. eBizDocs walks the walk and backs up the talk. My work experience at eBizDocs allows me to believe in myself again! I learned how to advocate for myself. Today, I recognize my mental health and Autism are NOT barriers to the world of work. I have a fresh perspective towards myself, my ability to contribute, and may overall value. This helps me do a better job.
Thank you eBizDocs! – Kate Wieczerza.

On the lighter side…

  • Who inspires you?
    Bryan Fuller …he is a writer for the tv show Hannibal , the first season of Star Trek: Discovery, and Pushing Daisies. He is SO interesting and I LOVE that he has a STRONG voice. …his artistic direction captures me and he is a strong advocate for minorities ..he is a progressive and tells stories that need to be heard and he empowers the people he works with.
  • If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
    The first thing I would do is pay off all the debt in my immediate family. Then I would be practical and:
    – save some for the future.
    – purchase a house, with a yard for my dogs and at least 2 bathrooms…THAT is the millennial dream!
  • People say you look like?
    People say I look like Janis Joplin and other famous people I have never heard of…
  • If you had a superpower, what would it be?
    Just one?? No way!!
    First: Telekinesis
    Second: Flight
    Third: Shapeshifting
    Fourth: Superspeed
    Fifth: Super strength

Thank you Kate, for all you do.

Want to work in a fun and casual environment that offers competitive compensation and benefits like medical, dental, paid holidays/vacations, parties and team building activities, and more?
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