Tobi Bickweat
Production Manager & Employee Specialist

Tobi Bickweat brings 40 years of Vocational Rehabilitation experience to eBizDocs. Her forte of understanding employer needs and how to support individuals with disabilities is making a major impact at eBizDocs. Since 2016, Tobi has been attracting new talent and aligning their skillsets with successful employment. After joining eBizDocs, Tobi’s first goal was to highlight the work culture as a welcoming place for ALL employees. Tobi used several approaches to develop a special workplace. Initially, she immersed herself in getting to know everyone and injecting new vigor into various projects and events. For example, the highly successful “eBIGGEST LOSER” weight loss challenge engaged half the workforce (including management). Transparent weekly weigh-ins fueled the rivalry in the 16-week competition. This energized competition attracted the entire staff’s attention, team spirited cheers, and encouragement. Tobi made her mark, and her actions were creating great memories.

Another opportunity Tobi focused on was improving communications among employees. eBizDocs’ services are well suited for individuals with hearing disabilities. However, Tobi noticed deaf employees were tending to only associate with other deaf employees who know sign language. Tobi found a simple solution and implemented “Brown Bag” sign language class, taught by staff who are deaf. Classes quickly grew in popularity and ushered in a more inclusive work culture. Lunch and break times turned into growing your sign vocabulary sessions. What was once a barrier is now a new way of getting to know each other.

Tobi reenergized Family BBQ day with Howard’s support and assistance of the floor management team. Employees are encouraged to invite their family for food and fun. Tables are set up to provide beneficial information about community support services. Tobi also makes sure many holidays are celebrated, with tasteful decorations to brighten the work environment. These events usually included lunch to show appreciation for productivity gains or to just celebrate being ONE STRONG TEAM! These activities slowly but surely started shifting the work culture. Quiet lunch times became time for employees to meet, laugh and plan after work events for Bingo, Bowling or even a night at the movies. Happy workers equal increased productivity. Tobi’s ability to combine team building activities, training, and performance evaluations arms eBizDoc’s workforce with increased skill growth and production capacity. Ask any employee about Tobi and they are sure to tell you the positive impact she has on their work, and how it carries over into making them better/independent citizens in the community.

Tobi is captured by the alchemy of eBizDocs and enjoys watching the professional growth of employees. When not working at eBizDocs, Tobi enjoys hiking, walking, crafting, listening to music, and spending time with her significant other and cat.

Thank you Tobi, for all you do.

Want to work in a fun and casual environment that offers competitive compensation and benefits like medical, dental, paid holidays/vacations, parties and team building activities, and more?
Show your passion, you may be a good fit for a career at eBizDocs!